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1 Collections results for Quilting

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Community Focus; Quilters Market

Segment 1: Community Focus - First segment of Community Focus features Betty Williams, the Director and Coordinator of the Ebony and Ivory Strutters, a drill team out of Peninsula Park, along with Captain of the drill team, Selena Strong. Hosted by Jeff Gamble, the segment includes clips of drill team practices (contains copyrighted music). Interstitial with Open House of Prayer Choir. (0:17:42) Next is the Health Segment of Community Focus, hosted by Juanita Juanita Lyday (listed as Juanita Harris onscreen during program- possibly a typo since the guests' last name is Harris), with aerobics instructor Evonne Harris of The Spa Figure and Fitness Center. Following interview, Harris leads an exercise and stretching session with volunteer Tina Powell. Segment 2: (0:30:20) Quilters Market - A conversation with long-time quilter and member of the Quilters Market, Fern Stengel, discussing how the Quilters Market got started. Hosted by Lyn Kennison, also a quilter. The two discuss some common quilting patterns and techniques. Fellow members, Natalie Shellens and Carrie Atherton, give a quilting demonstration. Produced by Lyn Kennison.

Segment 1 credits: Jeff Gamble, Evonne Harris, Juanita Lyday, Betty Williams, Selena Strong; Produced by Mark Lewis; Directed by Mark Lewis; Floor Director, Onnie Lewis; Cameras, Jean Lyday and Mark Saltveit; Technical Director, Stan Hintz; Audio, Jim Apilado; Assistant Audio, H.R. Lewis; Sets and Lighting, Jim Apilado; Electronic Graphics, Stefan Enriquez.

Segment 2 credits: Lyn Kennison, Fern Stengel, Carrie Atherton, Natalie Shellans; Produced by Lyn Kennison; Technical Director, Stan Hintz; Audio, Jim Apilado; Electronic Graphics, Scott Thompson; Cameras, Liz Lynch, John Hills; Video, Stefan Enriquez; Floor Director, Anita Paulsen; LIghts and Setting, TVAP crew; Consultants, Quilters Market.

The Video Access Project (Public Access Television Program)