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Oregon Children With digital objects
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Young women posing with heifers

Photograph of three young women and a girl posing with with four heifers. They are standing on the lawn near a barn labeled “Cattle.” The photograph may have been taken at the Multnomah County Fair in Gresham, Oregon. The people in the photograph are unidentified.

Young girl with dog, probably at Pacific International Livestock Exposition

Photograph showing an unidentified young girl with a dog on a dirt road. The girl is crouching next to the dog and has one arm wrapped around its chest and the other resting on its back. The dog is wearing a coat. The photograph was probably taken at the annual Pacific International Livestock Exposition in Portland. The exposition began to include a dog show in 1931.

Young girl looking at cow in stall

Photograph of an unidentified young girl sitting on the fence around a pen, looking down at a cow standing next to her. The photograph may have been taken at the annual Pacific International Livestock Exposition in Portland. Also see image No. 374N0944.

Young girl and dog

Photograph of an unidentified young girl standing next to a dog. An unidentified woman, partially outside the frame, is holding the dog’s leash. The photograph may have been taken at the annual Pacific International Livestock Exposition in Portland. The exposition began to include a dog show in 1931.

Young girl and calf

Photograph of an unidentified young girl making a face as a calf pushes its nose into her jacket. The girl and calf are standing next to an animal pen. The photograph may have been taken at the annual Pacific International Livestock Exposition in Portland. Also see image No. 374N0943.

Young child on horseback

Photograph of an unidentified toddler sitting on the back of a horse standing on a dirt road near buildings. The number 24 is written on the negative and is faintly visible in the upper right corner of the image. The photograph may have been taken at the Multnomah County Fair in Gresham, Oregon.

Young Boy with Dog

Two-year-old Larry Mills sits on the ground next to his black dog named Mutt. They sit on a rug in front of a sofa. A doll lies on the ground near Mills. The caption on the negative sleeve reads, "Larry Mills, age 2, and dog, Mutt, who went along when Larry wandered from home at 1223 N.E. Killingsworth at 5am - dog's license tag provided clue to boys identity" (negative 2 of 3).

Monner, Al (Alfred Anthony), 1909-1998

Woodstock Methodist Church, movies for children

Children gathered for a movie at Woodstock Methodist Church in Portland. Chairs have been arranged facing towards one side of the room, which is filled with children dressed in warm clothing and family members (negative 1 of 11).

Monner, Al (Alfred Anthony), 1909-1998

Woodstock Methodist Church, movies for children

Children gathered for a movie at Woodstock Methodist Church in Portland. Chairs have been arranged facing one side of the room, which are filled with children wearing jackets, while two others stand at the front using yo-yos (negative 4 of 11).

Monner, Al (Alfred Anthony), 1909-1998

Woodstock Methodist Church, movies for children

Children gathered for a movie at Woodstock Methodist Church in Portland. An unidentified man stands at the front of the audience with one arm raised. The children are dressed in warm clothing (negative 6 of 11).

Monner, Al (Alfred Anthony), 1909-1998

Woodard children, Silverton, Oregon

Three children of the Woodard family pose outdoors in Silverton. Edith M. "Dede" Ferrin sits on a wicker chair with Mary Ann Woodard. A third girl, possibly Dede's sister Joan, stands next to the chair. Myron C. Woodard was the founder and president of the Silver Falls Timber Company.

Drake, June D., 1880-1969

Woman with children, Pendleton Round-Up

A woman and child, wearing hats, stand with a young indigenous child at the Pendleton Round-up. The woman looks at the camera while the children look toward one another. Tipis can be seen in the background (negative 2 of 21).

Monner, Al (Alfred Anthony), 1909-1998

Woman Walks with Child at the Lipman Wolfe Style Show

A woman and child walk amongst tables in a banquet hall. They are likely models in the Lipman Wolfe style show. This negative has a double exposure and much of the left side is obscured. The caption on negative sleeve reads, "Lipman Wolfe style show" (negative 6 of 6).

Monner, Al (Alfred Anthony), 1909-1998

Woman Looks at Child at the Lipman Wolfe Style Show

A woman in a dress stands next to a table in a banquet hall. She looks down at a child sitting on her mother's lap. The child looks back at her. The woman is likely a model in the Lipman Wolfe style show. In the background are additional guests seated at tables. The caption on negative sleeve reads, "Lipman Wolfe style show" (negative 5 of 6).

Monner, Al (Alfred Anthony), 1909-1998

Woman and child at Meadow Lark Village camp for war workers, Portland

A woman holds a puppy towards a child in front of a house at Meadow Lark Village, an independent war production housing camp in the Portland area. The pair are on a covered porch in front of a make-shift wooden house. A planter box with flowers can be seen along one side of the porch. A photograph from this series was published on page 4D of the Oregon Journal on Sunday, June 25, 1944 (negative 4 of 5).

Monner, Al (Alfred Anthony), 1909-1998

Woman and boys with horses and pony

Photograph of an unidentified woman and two unidentified boys posing with four horses and a pony standing in a row. The number 8 is written on the negative. The photograph may have been taken at the Multnomah County Fair in Gresham, Oregon. The woman is also pictured in image Nos. 374N0720, 374N0721, and 374N0724.

Washington County Fair Centennial parade, Hillsboro

Two children watch a parade during the Washington County Fair Centennial, most likely in Hillsboro. They stand next to a parking meter, as a man in a kilt can be seen walking down a commercial street (Main Street?) (negative 6 of 11).

Monner, Al (Alfred Anthony), 1909-1998

Washington County Fair Centennial cake, Hillsboro

Children stand outside a bakery during the Washington County Fair Centennial, most likely in Hillsboro. A large multi-tiered cake is displayed in a window, with frosting that reads “100th anniversary, Washington County Fair, ‘Pioneers on Parade’” (negative 8 of 11).

Monner, Al (Alfred Anthony), 1909-1998

War workers - Housing in trailer camps

People sit outside a trailer home at a temporary camp for war workers in the Portland area. A woman stands in a doorway next to a child wearing a hat, while men sit on a makeshift wooden porch holding other children. Next to the trailer is a automobile, with a man sitting on a fender (negative 7 of 7).

Monner, Al (Alfred Anthony), 1909-1998

War workers - Housing in trailer camps

A family at their home in a temporary trailer camp for war workers in the Portland area. The child is seated in a highchair next to a table, next to a man and a woman who smile down at her. A box of cereal and milk bottles are on the table (negative 5 of 7).

Monner, Al (Alfred Anthony), 1909-1998

Results 1 to 28 of 607