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Hood River County (Or.) Fruit growers
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Yasui Brothers business records

  • Mss 2949
  • Colección
  • 1904 - 1990

The Yasui Brothers records primarily document the business, personal, and community-related activities of the Yasui family in Hood River, Oregon, from the start of the 20th century until World War II, when they were among the more than 120,000 Japanese Americans incarcerated by the U.S. government.

The bulk of the collection consists of correspondence and records relating to the business activities of Masuo Yasui (1886-1957). These include the general store, Yasui Bros., that he ran with his brother Renichi Fujimoto; and orchards in the Hood River Valley and surrounding areas that the firm operated. Store records include a variety of advertising materials, while farming records include packing lists, crop reports, and records of local farming associations Masuo Yasui was involved with. The collection also reflects Yasui’s involvement in the local community, including his work assisting other Japanese immigrants to the United States. A small quantity of materials relates to the Yasui Bros. store’s forced closure and the management of the family’s property and assets while they were incarcerated during World War II.

The collection also includes personal papers of Masuo Yasui; his wife, Shidzuyo Yasui; his brother Renichi Fujimoto; and his children. These consist of correspondence, ephemera, and a personal history that Masuo Yasui wrote at the request of the Japanese consulate. Other materials in the collection include records from the 1970s and 1980s of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL), in which Masuo Yasui’s son Homer Yasui and his wife, Miyuki Yasui, were active, and magazines and newspapers the family received in both Japanese and English.

A substantial amount of this collection is in a pre-World War II Japanese script that is distinct from modern Japanese. Some of these materials, particularly those in Series 1 (Business correspondence and related materials) and Series 6 (Personal papers) have been reviewed and summarized by translators. Selected documents have been translated into English and modern Japanese.

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Letter from Kay Yasui to W. H. Weber, 12 November 1927

A draft of a letter from Kay Yasui to W. H. Weber in Chicago, dated November 12, 1927. Kay writes that he is composing the letter on behalf of his father, who has been ill since March. Kay conveys that his father is worried about money he owes Mr. Weber, and explains that the poor apple crop and low apple prices the previous year have hurt the family's finances. Kay writes of other factors that have contributed to the unprofitability of apple growing for the Yasuis and other growers in the area. He writes of his father's regret at not being able to see Mr. Weber in the fall and of his intention to visit him in Chicago as soon as he is recovered. Translation Note: This document has been translated into Japanese.

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Letter announcing Masuo Yasui's reelection to the Hood River Apple Growers Association board of directors

Letter announcing Masuo Yasui's reelection to the Hood River Apple Growers Association board of directors with the highest number of votes. Also includes a summary about the history of the association and additional results from the vote count. This document also includes a rough draft of the letter on pages 3-5.
Translation Note: The final draft of the letter on pages 1 and 2 has been translated into modern Japanese and English.

Letter from K. Tyler to Masuo Yasui, 13 February 1920

Letter from K. Tyler to Masuo Yasui dated 13 February 1920. The letter is printed on stationery for "The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States." In this letter, Tyler discusses past due insurance premiums for Japanese residents of Hood River and requests Masuo remind the residents to pay them. A postscript note mentions the "Japanese question" - a reference to circulating anti-japanese sentiment and legislation, and asks if Masuo knows anyone interested in buying a ranch in Underwood (likely Washington).

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English translation selection of a letter announcing Masuo Yasui's reelection to the Hood River Apple Growers Association board of directors

English translation selection of a letter announcing Masuo Yasui's reelection to the Hood River Apple Growers Association board of directors with the highest number of votes. Also includes a summary about the history of the association and additional results from the vote count. This document also includes a rough draft of the letter on pages 3-5.
Translation Note: This document is also available as the original manuscript document and as a modern Japanese translation.

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安井敬からW.H. ウエバーへの手紙の転写、 1927年11月12日

安井敬からシカゴのW・H・ウェバーに宛てた1927年11月12日付の手紙の下書きの転写の日本語訳。敬は、3月から体調を崩している父親に代わって手紙を書いたと書いている。父がウェーバー氏への借金を心配していること、前年のリンゴの不作とリンゴ価格の低迷が家計に打撃を与えたことを伝えている。敬は、安井家やこの地域の他の生産者にとって、リンゴ栽培が採算に合わなくなった他の要因についても書いている。秋にウェーバー氏に会えなかったことを父が残念に思っていること、回復次第、シカゴのウェーバー氏を訪ねるつもりであることを記している。 翻訳注:この文書は原本と転写も掲載されている。

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Letter from Kay Yasui to W. H. Weber, 12 November 1927

A draft of a letter from Kay Yasui to W. H. Weber in Chicago, dated November 12, 1927. Kay writes that he is composing the letter on behalf of his father, who has been ill since March. Kay conveys that his father is worried about money he owes Mr. Weber, and explains that the poor apple crop and low apple prices the previous year have hurt the family's finances. Kay writes of other factors that have contributed to the unprofitability of apple growing for the Yasuis and other growers in the area. He writes of his father's regret at not being able to see Mr. Weber in the fall and of his intention to visit him in Chicago as soon as he is recovered. Translation Note: This document has been translated into Japanese.

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Letter from Harry Wilson to Ray T. Yasui, 7 April 1944

Letter from Harry Wilson to Ray Yasui dated 7 April 1944. In this letter, Wilson writes about the unfortunate condition of their farm in Mosier, Oregon, and notes that the Yasui family would be sad to see it in such disarray. He proposes a contract to purchase the farm in an attempt to replenish the fields.

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Transcription of a letter from Kay Yasui to W. H. Weber, 12 November 1927

Transcription of a draft of a letter from Kay Yasui to W. H. Weber in Chicago, dated November 12, 1927. Kay writes that he is composing the letter on behalf of his father, who has been ill since March. Kay conveys that his father is worried about money he owes Mr. Weber, and explains that the poor apple crop and low apple prices the previous year have hurt the family's finances. Kay writes of other factors that have contributed to the unprofitability of apple growing for the Yasuis and other growers in the area. He writes of his father's regret at not being able to see Mr. Weber in the fall and of his intention to visit him in Chicago as soon as he is recovered. Translation Note: This document is also available as the original manuscript document and as a Japanese translation.

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Letter announcing Masuo Yasui's reelection to the Hood River Apple Growers Association board of directors

Letter announcing Masuo Yasui's reelection to the Hood River Apple Growers Association board of directors with the highest number of votes. Also includes a summary about the history of the association and additional results from the vote count. This document also includes a rough draft of the letter on pages 3-5.
Translation Note: The final draft of the letter on pages 1 and 2 has been translated into modern Japanese and English.

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