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Carleton E. Watkins photographs, 1861-1885 United States black-and-white prints (photographs)
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231 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

"D53. Rock Bluff, Columbia River Scenery. Oregon."
"D53. Rock Bluff, Columbia River Scenery. Oregon."
Verso of "D53. Rock Bluff, Columbia River Scenery. Oregon."
Verso of "D53. Rock Bluff, Columbia River Scenery. Oregon."
"D62. Mt. Hood from The Dalles, Columbia River Scenery. O."
"D62. Mt. Hood from The Dalles, Columbia River Scenery. O."
Verso of "D62. Mt. Hood from The Dalles, Columbia River Scenery. O."
Verso of "D62. Mt. Hood from The Dalles, Columbia River Scenery. O."
"D71. Panorama of Portland, Oregon. (No. 1.)"
"D71. Panorama of Portland, Oregon. (No. 1.)"
Verso of "D71. Panorama of Portland, Oregon. (No. 1.)"
Verso of "D71. Panorama of Portland, Oregon. (No. 1.)"
"D89. Rooster Rock, Columbia River, Oregon."
"D89. Rooster Rock, Columbia River, Oregon."
Verso of "D89. Rooster Rock, Columbia River, Oregon."
Verso of "D89. Rooster Rock, Columbia River, Oregon."
"D96. Castle Rock, Columbia River Scenery, Oregon."
"D96. Castle Rock, Columbia River Scenery, Oregon."
Verso of "D96. Castle Rock, Columbia River Scenery, Oregon."
Verso of "D96. Castle Rock, Columbia River Scenery, Oregon."
"D101. Clearing the Track--Winter of 1884-5--Columbia River, Or."
"D101. Clearing the Track--Winter of 1884-5--Columbia River, Or."
Verso of "D101. Clearing the Track--Winter of 1884-5--Columbia River, Or."
Verso of "D101. Clearing the Track--Winter of 1884-5--Columbia River, Or."
"D104. Clearing the Track--Winter of 1884-5--Columbia River, Or."
"D104. Clearing the Track--Winter of 1884-5--Columbia River, Or."
Verso of "D104. Clearing the Track--Winter of 1884-5--Columbia River, Or."
Verso of "D104. Clearing the Track--Winter of 1884-5--Columbia River, Or."
"D105. Clearing the Track--Winter of 1884-5--Columbia River, Or."
"D105. Clearing the Track--Winter of 1884-5--Columbia River, Or."
Verso of "D105. Clearing the Track--Winter of 1884-5--Columbia River, Or."
Verso of "D105. Clearing the Track--Winter of 1884-5--Columbia River, Or."
"D109. Clearing the Track--Winter of 1884-5--Columbia River, Or."
"D109. Clearing the Track--Winter of 1884-5--Columbia River, Or."
Verso of "D109. Clearing the Track--Winter of 1884-5--Columbia River, OR."
Verso of "D109. Clearing the Track--Winter of 1884-5--Columbia River, OR."
"D99. A Winter Morning After a Storm. Columbia River Scenery, Oregon."
"D99. A Winter Morning After a Storm. Columbia River Scenery, Oregon."
Verso of "D99. A Winter Morning After a Storm. Columbia River Scenery, Oregon."
Verso of "D99. A Winter Morning After a Storm. Columbia River Scenery, Oregon."
"D112. Oneonta Bluffs--Winter of 1884-5--Columbia River, Or."
"D112. Oneonta Bluffs--Winter of 1884-5--Columbia River, Or."
Verso of "D112. Oneonta Bluffs--Winter of 1884-5--Columbia River, Or."
Verso of "D112. Oneonta Bluffs--Winter of 1884-5--Columbia River, Or."
"D118. Relief Train Passing the Needles--Winter of 1884-5--Columbia River, Or."
"D118. Relief Train Passing the Needles--Winter of 1884-5--Columbia River, Or."
Verso of "D118. Relief Train Passing the Needles--Winter of 1884-5--Columbia River, Or."
Verso of "D118. Relief Train Passing the Needles--Winter of 1884-5--Columbia River, Or."
"D121. Bridal Veil Bluffs--Winter of 1884-5--Columbia River, Or."
"D121. Bridal Veil Bluffs--Winter of 1884-5--Columbia River, Or."
Verso of "D121. Bridal Veil Bluffs--Winter of 1884-5--Columbia River, Or."
Verso of "D121. Bridal Veil Bluffs--Winter of 1884-5--Columbia River, Or."
"D129. Upper Multnomah Fall After the Chinook--Winter of 1884-5--Columbia River, Or."
"D129. Upper Multnomah Fall After the Chinook--Winter of 1884-5--Columbia River, Or."
Verso of "D129. Upper Multnomah Fall After the Chinook--Winter of 1884-5--Columbia River, Or...
Verso of "D129. Upper Multnomah Fall After the Chinook--Winter of 1884-5--Columbia River, Or."
Results 1 to 28 of 231