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Spokane, Portland, and Seattle Railway photographs black-and-white prints (photographs)
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Old Fort Astoria, Astoria, Oregon

A photograph of a drawing depicting old Fort Astoria in 1845. An American flag flies over the fort. The back identified the artist as Henry J. Barre, but the correct name is likely Henry J. Warre. Handwritten note on back of print reads, "Old Fort Astoria 1845 by Captain Henry J. Barre, British Army." Photograph of drawing taken by Arthur M. Prentiss.

Warre, H. (Henry), 1819-1898

First Train to Portland from Astoria Railroad Depot

Photograph showing crowds of people standing on a platform next to a train in Astoria, Oregon. The train station is on the Columbia River and the town of Astoria is visible in the background. Two men in the locomotive look up at the camera. Handwritten label on the front of the print reads, "First train to Portland, A&C RR, May 16, 1898." Handwritten note on the back of the print reads, "Astoria R.R. Depot, First train to Portland, May 16, 1898." Stamp on the back for Woodfield Photo Studio and Gift Shop.

Woodfield, Frank W., 1879-1955

View of Lost Lake and Mount Hood

Photograph showing a view of Lost Lake in the foreground and Mount Hood in the background. Two people fish on a rowboat in Lost Lake. Stamp on the bottom of the print indicates an 1899 copyright by Benj. A. Gifford. Typed writing on the back reads, "Mt. Hood and Lost Lake."

Gifford, Benjamin A.

Farm Scene near Salem, Oregon

Photograph of orchards and fields on a hillside near Salem, Oregon. A dirt path on the left leads to a house in the distance. Handwriting on the back of the print reads, "Farm Scene near Salem." Embossment on the front of print indicates a 1902 copyright by Kiser Photo Co., while a hand-written note on the back indicates a 1904 copyright by the Kiser Photo Co.

Kiser Photo Co. (Portland, Or.)

Blast for Railroad Construction in Columbia River Gorge

Photograph of an explosion conducted by Portland & Seattle Railway to clear way for the construction of a railroad on the Washington side of the Columbia River Gorge. The explosion sends dirt and debris into the air out of the base of a mountain. The Columbia River and the Oregon side of the gorge are visible in the background. Handwritten label at the bottom of the print reads, "Firing 30 Ton Blast Cooks, 1906, P. & S. Ry., June 13, 10:35am, 1300 feet away."

Finishing Station 1515, Carson, Washington

Photograph of 4 railroad construction workers working in a trench at the base of a graded hillside in Carson, Washington. They work next to a track that transports construction materials. To the right is the Columbia River and a view of a large mountain on the Washington side of the gorge. Handwriting on the bottom of the print reads, "1516, Finishing Station 1515, June 23 '06, P.&S. Ry." Handwriting on the back reads, "Carson Landing."

Working a hay field in Kennewick, Washington

Photograph showing several agricultural workers posing in a hay field in Kennewick, Washington. They are baling hay. Two horse-drawn wagons are piled high with hay. Handwritten label on the bottom of the print reads, "K-23, Emigh's hey (sic) field, Kennewick, Wash., 1906. Photo by Graveslund, Kennewick, Wn."

Gravenslund, John H., 1861-1944

Railroad Bridge Under Construction

Photograph of a work train crossing a railroad bridge that is under construction. Taken from the bank of a river, looking up at the bridge. Wooden planks for construction float in the water in the foreground. Handwritten note at the bottom of the print reads, "Sep 12 - 07, First work train."

Viewing Celilo Falls, Columbia River

Photograph of a Native American person standing on a rock overlooking Celilo Falls on the Columbia River in the Columbia River Gorge. Large rapids flow past the rock and there is a cloud of mist above the water. The person wears a hat and their back is turned to the camera as they face the river. Taken looking towards the mountains on the Washington side of the river. Stamp at the bottom of the print indicates a 1907 copyright notice for Benjamin A. Gifford. Stamp on the back reads, "Photo Copyright R.I. Gifford."

Gifford, Benjamin A.

Construction of Oregon Electric Railway Bridge over Willamette River at Wilsonville, Oregon

Photograph of the Oregon Electric Railway bridge over the Willamette River at Wilsonville, Oregon. The bridge is under construction. Taken from the shore of the river, looking at the bridge. Handwriting on the back of the print reads, "Oregon Electric Ry. Wilsonville Bridge nearing completion. Frederick Prahl, General Roadmaster (died 1909), 'in charge of construction,' 1906 - 07. Presented Jan 18, 1956 by Margaret L. Chappell - granddaughter, Addie M. Sliven - daughter, 2535 Willamette Blvd. Portland 11 Ore." Postmark stamp on the back of the print reads, "Wilsonville, Sep. 17 P.M. 1907, Oregon."

Sheridan Point, Prior to Railroad Construction

Photograph of Sheridan Point on the Washington side of the Columbia River Gorge, showing where Portland & Seattle Railway plans to construct a railroad. The Columbia River and the Oregon side of the gorge are visible on the right. Handwritten note on the back of the print reads, "Sheridans Point, Columbia River, showing where the P&S Ry. is to be built.

Tunnel at Drano, Columbia River Gorge

Photograph of a railroad tunnel being constructed through a large rock face on the Washington side of the Columbia River Gorge. The opening of the tunnel is blocked by a large pile of rocks and debris. Handwritten label at the bottom of the print reads, "SPS, 959-40. Tunnel at Drano, Looking East. P&S Ry."

Rock Cut for Railroad Construction

Photograph of railroad construction workers standing in an unfinished rock cut. Steep rock cliffs rise all around them and one person stands on the cliff above them. Railroad tracks, still under construction, end at the rock face behind the workers. Taken on the Washington side of the Columbia River Gorge. Handwritten note on the back of the print reads, "Rock cut at 1488." Second note reads, "MP 52.5 near Carson, tracks at left to river's landing."

Construction of SP&S Ry Tunnel 15 near Farrington, Washington

Construction of Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway Tunnel 15 near Farrington, Washington. Two unidentified people stand on partially constructed railroad tracks underneath a wooden support structure. The Snake River is visible on the left side of the photograph. A handwritten note on the back of the photograph reads, "Cable Dump (?) and Tunnel. Pine Tree Rapids. This fill is 200 feet from bottom coulee to grade. Tunnel 15 west of Farrington, M. P. 266.3"

Railroad Construction Crew & Homesteaders near Carson, Washington

Photograph of 2 groups of men facing each other at a railroad construction site on the Washington side of the Columbia River Gorge. The men on the left stand around a railroad track under construction and watch as a construction worker clears the land. The men on the right appear to be construction workers, and they look up at the other group. Homesteads are visible in the background. Handwritten note on the back of the print reads, "Troubles between the P. & S. and C. Valley men at Carson, Wash." Second note reads, "Near Monaghan Homestead. Return to Traffic Dept., SP.S Ry."

Rock Cut for Railroad Construction

Photograph of 4 railroad construction workers standing in an unfinished rock cut. Steep rock cliffs rise all around them. Railroad tracks, still under construction, end at the rock face behind them. Taken on the Washington side of the Columbia River Gorge. Handwritten note on the back of the print reads, "Rock cut at 1488 near Carson landing." Second note reads, "Return to Traffic Dept., SP.S Ry."

Railroad Construction near Carson, Washington

Photograph of a large pile of rock and debris formed by a blast at a railroad construction site on the Washington side of the Columbia River Gorge. On the right, a person stands on the edge of a cliff, above the debris. A railroad is visible behind the debris. There is a large rock formation behind the railroad on the left. Handwritten note on the back of the print reads, "Shot from 400 kegs powder at 'Briton's Peak' Smith Creek near Carson landing."

Apple and peach orchard in Kennewick, Washington

Photograph of rows of fruit trees at an orchard in Kennewick, Washington. This photograph is the first of a series of photographs documenting the growth of trees in the orchard. Handwritten label on the bottom of the print reads, "Kennewick, Nov 6th, 1909, K-10. Photo by Gravenslund, Kennewick, Wn." Handwritten note on the back of the print reads, "#1 - Peters orchard on the Kennewick Highlands taken in Nov 1909 when trees were about 7 months old. This is an apple orchard with peach fillers on 7 acres, and apples and pear fillers on 3 acres. Photo #2 is this same orchard taken in Sept. 1910. Photo #3 is same orchard as #1 & 2, taken in May 1909 just after the trees were flauted (sic), these pictures extending over a period of only 16 months of time show the rapidity of which an orchard can be grown by irrigation under favorable conditions as they prevail on the Kennewick Highlands."

Gravenslund, John H., 1861-1944

Interior of Lounge Car on Train

Photograph of the interior of an empty passenger car, likely a lounge car, on a train. The left and right sides of the car are lined with chairs that face the aisle and there is a booth at the rear left of the car. Ornate lamps hang from the ceiling. Handwritten label on the bottom right of the print reads, "P.11676, L. 3699, 6-22-09. JP(?) V.V."

Wreck of the Peter Iredale, Warrenton, Oregon

Photograph showing the wreck of the ship Peter Iredale on a beach in Warrenton, Oregon. Today, this is located in Fort Stevens State Park. Typed note on the back of the print reads, "Wreck, Peter Iredale, Clatsop Beach, Kiser #4609, SP&S." Stamp on the back of the print indicates a 1909 copyright by Kiser Photo Co. for SP&S Ry.

Kiser Photo Co. (Portland, Or.)

Fishwheel on the Columbia River, Oregon

Photograph of a fishwheel on the Columbia River in the Columbia River Gorge. Two sets of railroad tracks pass the fishwheel. Taken from the Oregon side of the gorge, looking across the Columbia River at a large mountain in Washington in the background. Handwritten note on the back of the print reads, "Oregon side, North Columbia River Fish Wheel (Trap)" Stamps on the front and back of the print indicate a 1909 copyright by Kiser Photo Co. for SP&S Railway.

Kiser Photo Co. (Portland, Or.)

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