“Barbara C” Ship
108 degree temperature on downtown thermometer of Portland Federal Savings Co.
1902 Automobile in Museum
1913-1914 Pacific Star staff
1955 Rose Festival Court on a float during the Rose Parade
1955 Rose Festival Princesses
2 boys on sidewalk
2nd Oregon Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Salem, Oregon
302 W. Main St., Silverton, Oregon
413 S Water Street, Silverton, Oregon
4th of July picnic
57 Front Avenue
A. and Harry Peterson
A Buck and a Bow - Pendleton Round-Up
A cat with apples from the Luelling Orchard
A. Eastman at Silverton Blow Pipe Co.
A glimpse of Silverton, Oregon
A group of men at Mt. Angel Abbey
A group of players jump to reach for ball during basketball game
A. L. Larsen Jeweler display, Silverton Community Fair
A. Peterson
A Portrait of my Father by Homer Davenport
A. R. Jones buildings
A. R. Jones clearing
A. R. Jones clearing
A. R. Jones interior view
A selection of Frank Coffman's United States currency collection
A. Sheirman - Tailor display, Silverton Community Fair