Three young ballet dancers in tutus, posing outdoors
Three young ballet dancers in tutus, posing outdoors
Ballet dancers in costume, posing with arms raised
Young ballet dancer in costume, posing en pointe
Young ballet dancer in costume, posing en pointe and holding cane
Three young ballet dancers in costume, posing en pointe
Ballet dancer posing next to wall
Young ballet students at Oumansky School of Dance, Portland
Simone Mostovoy and youngster at Oumansky School of Dance, Portland
Simone Mostovoy and ballet master Alexander Oumansky
Ruth Ann Koesun and Eric Braun
Two dancers in costume
Ballerina wearing tutu
Leaping dancer
Ballerina wearing tutu
Young ballet students at Oumansky School of Dance, Portland
Simone Mostovoy and youngster at Oumansky School of Dance, Portland
Young ballet students at Oumansky School of Dance, Portland