Amelia Anderson outside Marshall Street Community Center, Portland
Amelia Anderson outside Marshall Street Community Center, Portland
Preston S. Arkwright, president of Georgia Power Company
Preston S. Arkwright, president of Georgia Power Company
Bruce Bairnsfather
Bruce Bairnsfather
Charles Wakefield Cadman on trip to Portland to plan Rose Festival music
Charles Wakefield Cadman on trip to Portland to plan Rose Festival music
Calders and two unidentified men?
Dr. Joseph Caronia
Harry Carson
Sir Austen Chamberlain at Union Station, Portland
Sir Austen Chamberlain and family at Union Station, Portland
Sir Austen Chamberlain and family at Union Station, Portland
G. K. Chesterson
G. K. Chesterson
Clarence Darrow
Clarence Darrow
Ollie Davis
Ollie Davis
Katsuji Debuchi
Captain C. C. Dobson?
Elias and Flora Disney at their Portland home, holding Mickey Mouse toys
Captain Eagle
Captain Eagle
Frank Feeney, president of International Union of Elevator Constructors