Panorama of Cascade Locks and Bridge of the Gods
Panorama of Cascade Locks and Bridge of the Gods
Panorama of Bonneville Dam construction
Verso of Panorama of Bonneville Dam site (back)
Panorama of Bonneville Dam site
Fishwheel on a scow in the Columbia River
Fishwheel on the Columbia River
Columbia River Gorge scenery, after logging
Portland Women’s Forum members with sign
Land Program Recreational Project, Columbia Gorge - report
Letter from C. J. Buck to Marshall N. Dana
Letters to National Resources Board
Exhibit N(2) - Correspondence, Oregon State Planning Board and Governor
Exhibit N(1) - Resolution, Washington State Planning Council
Exhibit M - Photographs
Exhibit L - Taxes in Arrears (Multnomah County)
Exhibit K - Taxes in Arrears (Skamania County)
Exhibit J - Soil Map, Columbia Gorge
Exhibit I - Legal Description of Properties in Units G and H
Exhibit H - Detail Maps
Exhibit G - Project Map
Exhibit F - Columbia River Gorge Zone - General Location Map
Exhibit E - Railroad Facilities, Pacific Northwest
Exhibit D - Federal and State Highway Facilities, Pacific Northwest
Exhibit C - Land Program Projects, Pacific Northwest
Exhibit B - Recreation Map, Pacific Northwest
Exhibit A - Distribution of Population, Pacific Northwest
Land Program Recreational Project, Columbia Gorge