Opening Day, Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, 1905
New York building, Lewis and Clark Exposition
Oregon building, Lewis and Clark Exposition
Guild's Lake and Government Buildings, Lewis and Clark Exposition
Oregon building at Lewis and Clark Exposition, 1905
Footpath on grounds of Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, Portland, Oregon, 1905
View north from Lakeview Terrace, Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, Portland, Oregon, 1905
Washington Building, Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, 1905
Main entrance and Pacific Court, Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, 1905
German Day, Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, 1905
Bandstand and terrace at Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, 1905
Forestry Building, Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, 1905
Parade on "The Trail," Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, 1905
Display of stuffed animals in Forestry Building at Lewis and Clark Exposition, 1905
U.S. Government Buildings, Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, 1905
Military drill in Pacific Court, Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, 1905
Lewis family members, Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, 1905
Aftermath of banquet, Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, 1905
Banquet during Lewis and Clark Exposition, 1905
Prior to banquet, Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, 1905
Main entrance of Lewis and Clark Exposition, 1905
DeCaprio's Lewis & Clark Band, Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, 1905
U.S. Government Buildings, Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, 1905
View Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition grounds from Esplanade along Guild's Lake, 1905
Columbia Court, Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, 1905
Pacific and Columbia Courts, Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, 1905
View Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition grounds from the West, 1905
Pacific Court, Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, 1905