Photograph of 4 members of the Yasutome family standing outside at the Tule Lake Relocation Center. Pictured left to right are JuJiro Yasutome, Sadao Yasutome, Toshiko Yasutome, and 2-year-old James Mamoru Yasutome (in front). There is snow on the ground. The three adults look at the camera while Mamoru looks off to the right. Taken December 20, 1945. Handwritten note on back reads, "G'father JuJiro Yasutome, Sadao Yasutome, Toshiko Yasutome, Momoru (sic) Yasutome." Additional note gives Mamoru's birthdate, "4/23/43, Mamoru 2 yrs. 8 mo." The Tule Lake Relocation Center was one of ten American concentration camps to which Japanese Americans were forcibly removed and incarcerated.