Cranberry Bogs, Astoria, Oregon
Bird's Eye View of Prineville, Oregon
Joel Palmer Papers, 1783-1982
Joel Palmer Papers, 1783-1982
Outlet of Columbia River, 1822
Reverend Jason Lee's Diary, 1833-1838
Jason Lee papers
Jason Lee papers
"Flat Head Indian Missionaries."
Letter from E.W. Sohon to the Editors of Zion's Herald, 1834
Letter from Jason Lee to the Christian Advocate and Journal, April 29, 1834
Letter from Jason Lee to the Corresponding Secretary of the Missionary Society of the Methodist E. Church, February 6, 1835
Letter from Jason Lee to the Corresponding Secretary of the Missionary Society of the Methodist E. Church, March 14, 1836
Chart of the Columbia River for 90 miles from its mouth, 1838
Plan of the River Oregan [sic], from an actual survey / by J. Arrowsmith, 1840
Aircraft sign on lumber yard roof
Mouth of the Columbia River, Oregon Territory, 1841
Early Oregon census and tax records, 1842-1880
Early Oregon census and tax records, 1842-1880
Carte du Rio Colombia depuis son embouchure jusqu'au Fort Vancouver à 17 Myriamètres de la mer, 1844
Oregon Black History Project records
Oregon Black History Project records
Last Will and Testament of Jason Lee, 1844
Meeting Minutes, Special Meeting of Methodist Board of Missions, 1844
Meeting Minutes, Special Meeting of Methodist Board of Missions, 1844, Preservation Copy
Letter from Jason Lee to the Board of the Episcopal Church, 1844
"The Late Jason Lee." Sketch written for the Christian Advocate
Letter from Daniel Lee to Brother Bond, 1845
Old Fort Astoria, Astoria, Oregon
Last Will and Testament of Jason Lee, 1845
Map, hand drawn, showing Columbia River and tributaries, Mt. Hood, Portland and other cities.
Oregon elections collection, 1846-1888
Oregon elections collection, 1846-1888