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Mount Angel (Or.) With digital objects
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Wine producer's and blender's basic permit

Photographic copy of a Federal Alcohol Administration permit to produce and blend wine in Gervais, Oregon dated November 20, 1935. "The information for the applicant on the permit is George Kuschnick, About 3 miles East of Gervais, on Mt. Angel, Gervais Road, Gervais, Oregon."

Drake, June D., 1880-1969

View from St. Mary Catholic Church, Mount Angel, Oregon

Most likely taken from the steeple of St. Mary Catholic Church, this image captures the intersection of E College and Church St. and both streets' paths through downtown Mount Angel. E Charles St. can be seen on the left as the paved continuation of Church St., while Church St. is still an unpaved path with tire tracks. Each property is captured in sharp detail: wooden walkways, clothes on a clothesline, stacks of firewood, the organization of home gardens, and people about town. The building in the center foreground, The White Corner, still exists in this location.

Drake, June D., 1880-1969

Street scene, Mt. Angel, Oregon

A street in Mt. Angel, Oregon lined with businesses. Automobiles are parked along the street and people stop to look at the camera. See related image no. 084.

Drake, June D., 1880-1969

Street scene, Mt. Angel, Oregon

A street in Mt. Angel, Oregon. The Bank of Mt. Angel can be seen on one corner. Automobiles are parked along the street and men can be seen walking on the sidewalk. The bottom of the negative is discolored.

Drake, June D., 1880-1969

Street scene, Mt. Angel, Oregon

A group of boys and a few men congregate on the walkway of a retail arcade around a boy mounted on a mule at the curb. A sign for the Post Office hangs over them. The negative is heavily damaged.

Drake, June D., 1880-1969

St. Mary's church, Mount Angel, Oregon

Exterior view of the side and rear of St. Mary's Catholic Church in Mount Angel, Oregon. Handwriting is visible along the left edge of the image but the writing cannot be deciphered.

Drake, June D., 1880-1969

St. Mary's church dedication, Mt. Angel, Oregon

Exterior view of the St. Mary's church in Mt. Angel, Oregon during a celebration to dedicate the new church building. A crowd of people can be seen standing on the front steps and along the side of the building.

Drake, June D., 1880-1969

St. Mary's church dedication, Mount Angel, Oregon

A view of St. Mary's church during its dedication in Mount Angel, Oregon. A crowd of people is gathered in front of the church, some of them holding American flags. A decorated gateway can be seen over the nearby road, with a banner that reads "AVE."

Drake, June D., 1880-1969

St. Mary Catholic Church, Mount Angel, Oregon

Tall interior view of a bright sanctuary of a Catholic church. The room has ornate rib vaulting with columns creating large pointed arches throughout the room. The wood floor is mostly empty; pews can be seen off the side lined up by the wall.

Drake, June D., 1880-1969

St. Mary Catholic Church, Mount Angel, Oregon

Tall interior view of a bright sanctuary of a Catholic church. The room has ornate rib vaulting with columns, creating large pointed arches throughout the room. The wood floor is mostly empty; pews can be seen off the side lined up by the wall.

Drake, June D., 1880-1969

Schmaltz & Sons Mill

A photograph of the N. Schmaltz & Sons mill. Two people are visible standing in front of the building and there are two automobiles visible.

Drake, June D., 1880-1969

Saloon, Mount Angel, Oregon

Interior. A man in a cardigan poses behind the dark wooden bar. A Columbia phonograph is behind him. Many products and signs are legible.

Drake, June D., 1880-1969


Interior. Two men pose behind a long dark bar wearing dress shirts and sleeve garters. The National Cash Register model behind them has a marquee that reads "Schwab & Stupfel."

Drake, June D., 1880-1969

Saint Mary's School, Mount Angel

A photograph shows Saint Mary's School in Mount Angel, Oregon. Two crosses can be seen on the roof of the building and a sign is visible on the sidewalk in front of the entrance.

Drake, June D., 1880-1969

Saint Mary's School, Mount Angel

A photograph shows Saint Mary's School in Mount Angel, Oregon. A person can be seen walking on the sidewalk in front of the building and an automobile is parked along the side.

Drake, June D., 1880-1969

Rossmere Farm

Exterior view of a Dutch Colonial style barn with a gambrel roof and curved, flaring eaves. Painted on the wood siding, "Rossmere Farm Breeders of registered Jersey cattle."

Drake, June D., 1880-1969

Rossmere Farm

A woman and a man pose with a horned Jersey cow in between them standing in front of a large barn with a painted sign, "Rossmere Farm Breeders of registered Jersey Cattle." The woman has short, curly, dark hair and wears a short-sleeve patterned dress. The man has short dark hair and wears a short tie over a light-colored collared shirt with slacks.

Drake, June D., 1880-1969

Rossmere Farm

Exterior view of a Dutch Colonial style barn with a gambrel roof and curved, flaring eaves. Painted on the wood siding, "Rossmere Farm Breeders of registered Jersey cattle."

Drake, June D., 1880-1969

Rear of buildings, Mount Angel, Oregon

An exterior view of the rear of a brick building in Mount Angel, Oregon. Smokestacks rise above the building's roof. A corner of the Mount Angel Creamery and Ice Company can be seen next to it.

Drake, June D., 1880-1969

Railroad depot, Mount Angel, Oregon

Interior. Two young men sit facing away from each other at desks. The man on the left sits at a typewriter under a wall-mounted fiddleback telephone. He wears a bowler hat, round wireframe glasses, a dark vest, a bowtie, and black sleeve protectors on the forearms of his white shirt. The man to the right has a pen in his hand held to paper and inkwells in front of him. He wears a small cap and a dark shirt with sleeve garters under dark overalls. On the counter behind the men there is an electric telegraph.

Drake, June D., 1880-1969

Priests, Mt. Angel, Oregon

A large group of men poses on the steps of a school in Mt. Angel, Oregon. Some of the men wear robes and clerical collars, while others wear suits and ties. Etched above the doors of the building are the words "Saint Mary's School."

Drake, June D., 1880-1969

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