"D.115. From Rooster Rock to Oneonta Falls. Cape Horn, from Bridal Veil."
Verso of, “Castle Rock, from Bonneville, Oregon.” (Stereograph E11)
Verso of, “Castle Rock, Columbia River Scenery, Oregon (Stereograph E44)
"Distant View of Castle Rock, looking west, Oregon" (E51)
"O.4. Castle Rock, Columbia River, Oregon."
Verso of, "Castle Rock, Columbia River, Oregon" (Stereograph E43)
Verso of, "Distant View of Castle Rock, looking west, Oregon" (Stereograph E50)
"O.6. Cascades, with Indian Block House."
“Castle Rock, from Bonneville, Oregon.” (Stereograph E11)
Verso of, “Castle Rock, Columbia River, Oregon.” (Stereograph E10)
"Castle Rock from Lower Cascades Landing."
Verso of, "Distant View of Castle Rock, looking west, Oregon" (E51)
“Castle Rock, Columbia River, Oregon.” (Stereograph E10)
"Castle Rock, Columbia River, Oregon" (Stereograph E43)
“Castle Rock, Columbia River Scenery, Oregon (Stereograph E44)
"Distant View of Castle Rock, looking west, Oregon" (Stereograph E50)
"D96. Castle Rock, Columbia River Scenery, Oregon."
Verso of "D96. Castle Rock, Columbia River Scenery, Oregon."
"O.3. Cape Horn. View Looking Down the River."
"Castle Rock."
"Winter View of Cape Horn from Bridal Veil."
“Cape Horn, Columbia River.” (Stereograph 1229)
“Cape Horn, Columbia River.” (Stereograph 1230)
“Cape Horn, Columbia River.” (Stereograph 1230)
“Cape Horn, Columbia River.” (Stereograph 1231)
“Cape Horn, Columbia River.” (Stereograph 1231)
“Cape Horn, Columbia River.” (Stereograph 1232)
Verso of, “Cape Horn, Columbia River.” (Stereograph 1232)