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Oregon Journal Photographic Negatives Cascade Locks (Or.)
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Rubble at site of fire in Cascade Locks, Oregon

Photograph, taken from a low angle, showing burned rubble at the site of a fire in Cascade Locks, Oregon. The fire occurred on Monday, July 2, 1934, and this photograph was taken on July 3. A story about the fire, headlined “Fireworks on Rampage Burn Locks Block,” was published on the front page of the Oregon Journal’s home edition on July 3. According to the story, the fire was started by fireworks during a July Fourth celebration and destroyed approximately a block of the downtown business district. See related image Nos. 372A0734, 375A1002, 375A1003, and 375A1004.

Remains of buildings destroyed by fire in Cascade Locks, Oregon

Photograph showing the burned remains of buildings after a fire in Cascade Locks, Oregon. The fire occurred on Monday, July 2, 1934, and this photograph was taken on July 3. Unidentified people are standing nearby, looking at the rubble. A similar photograph, image No. 375A1003, was published on the front page of the Oregon Journal’s home edition on July 3, 1934. That photograph was published under the headline “Where Fireworks Took Heavy Toll at Cascade Locks.” It had the following caption: “The band played on at Cascade Locks Tuesday despite the $60,000 fire which concluded the second day of the July 4th celebration there Monday night. Above—Looking east from the new Lakeside hotel on the razed block. At the immediate lower left is the charred remnants of the fireworks stand where the fire started. Beyond (in order) are the ruins of the I. O. O. F building, the S. E. Parras meat market, the Blue Moon cafe, and at the end of the block the W. H. Clark home.” The photograph accompanied a story headlined “Fireworks on Rampage Burn Locks Block.” Also see image Nos. 372A0731, 375A1002, and 375A1004. Image note: Negative damage at lower right.

Burned rubble at intersection in Cascade Locks, Oregon

Photograph showing a burned utility pole and other rubble at an intersection after a fire in Cascade Locks, Oregon. The fire occurred on Monday, July 2, 1934, and this photograph was taken on July 3. A story about the fire, headlined “Fireworks on Rampage Burn Locks Block,” was published on the front page of the Oregon Journal’s home edition on July 3. According to the story, the fire was started by fireworks during a July Fourth celebration and destroyed approximately a block of the downtown business district. See related image Nos. 372A0731, 372A0734, 375A1003, and 375A1004.

Remains of buildings destroyed by fire in Cascade Locks, Oregon

Photograph showing the burned remains of buildings after a fire in Cascade Locks, Oregon. The fire occurred on Monday, July 2, 1934, and this photograph was taken on July 3. Unidentified people are standing nearby, looking at the rubble. A cropped version of this photograph and image No. 375A1004 were published on the front page of the Oregon Journal’s home edition on July 3, 1934. The photographs were published under the headline “Where Fireworks Took Heavy Toll at Cascade Locks.” This photograph had the following caption: “The band played on at Cascade Locks Tuesday despite the $60,000 fire which concluded the second day of the July 4th celebration there Monday night. Above—Looking east from the new Lakeside hotel on the razed block. At the immediate lower left is the charred remnants of the fireworks stand where the fire started. Beyond (in order) are the ruins of the I. O. O. F building, the S. E. Parras meat market, the Blue Moon cafe, and at the end of the block the W. H. Clark home.” The photographs accompanied a story headlined “Fireworks on Rampage Burn Locks Block.” Also see image Nos. 372A0731, 372A0734, and 375A1002.

Charles Hill after fighting fire in Cascade Locks

Head and shoulders portrait, taken outdoors, of Charles Hill, 17, facing front. The photograph was taken on July 3, 1934, after Hill helped to fight a fire in Cascade Locks, Oregon. The fire, started by fireworks on Monday, July 2, 1934, during a July Fourth celebration, destroyed approximately a block of the downtown business district, according to a story published on the front page of in the Oregon Journal’s July 3 home edition. A cropped version of this photograph and image No. 375A1003 accompanied the story. The photographs were published under the headline “Where Fireworks Took Heavy Toll at Cascade Locks.” This photograph had the following caption: “Charles Hill, 17, recovering after being overcome by smoke while fighting the fire.” Also see image Nos. 372A0731, 372A0734, and 375A1002.