Gay and Lesbian Archives of the Pacific Northwest Oral Histories

Oral history interview with Barbara Bernstein, b y Sheana Corbridge and Catherine Meyers [Sound R... Oral history interview with Barbara Bernstein, b y Sheana Corbridge and Catherine Meyers [Transcr... Oral history interview with Rupert Kinnard, by Marissa Gunning and Ellen Tobias [Sound Recording] Oral history interview with Rupert Kinnard, by Marissa Gunning and Ellen Tobias [Transcript] Oral history interview with Renee LaChance, by Brontë Olson and Nicole Estey [Sound Recording] Oral history interview with Renee LaChance, by Brontë Olson and Nicole Estey [Transcript] Oral history interview with Anne, Galisky, by Dave Anderson and Emily Craft [Sound Recording] Oral history interview with Anne, Galisky, by Dave Anderson and Emily Craft [Transcript] Oral history interview with Paul Fuikui, by Frank Palacios and Heat Smith [Sound Recording] Oral history interview with Paul Fuikui, by Frank Palacios and Heat Smith [Transcript] Oral history interview with Patty Wolff, by David McCormack and Carla Moller [Sound Recording] Oral history interview with Patty Wolff, by David McCormack and Carla Moller [Transcript] Oral history interview with Carol French, by Adrienne Sourbeer and Marcus Haslam [Sound Recording] Oral history interview with Carol French, by Adrienne Sourbeer and Marcus Haslam [Transcript] Oral history interview with Marty Davis, by Corinna DePonte, Gregory Goodapple and Bryan Jones [S... Oral history interview with Marty Davis, by Corinna DePonte, Gregory Goodapple and Bryan Jones [T... Oral history interview with Reverend Susan Leo, by Jae Ann Atwood and Genevieve Blaettler [Sound ... Oral history interview with Reverend Susan Leo, by Jae Ann Atwood and Genevieve Blaettler [Transc... Oral history interview with George Eighmey, by Sarah Kinney and Juliet Salvato [Sound Recording] Oral history interview with George Eighmey, by Sarah Kinney and Juliet Salvato [Transcript] Oral history interview with Charles Hinkle, by Nathan Guynn, Michael Pratt and Nichant Mehra [Sou... Oral history interview with Charles Hinkle, by Nathan Guynn, Michael Pratt and Nichant Mehra [Tra... Oral history interview with Jim Radosta, by Nichole Anderson and Aaron Gillies [Sound Recording] Oral history interview with Jim Radosta, by Nichole Anderson and Aaron Gillies [Transcript] Oral history interview with Maria Council, by Gary Knapp and A. Krummenacker [Sound Recording] Oral history interview with Maria Council, by Gary Knapp and A. Krummenacker [Transcript] Oral history interview with Linda Rae Besant, by Emma Bagley and Emily Kahnert [Sound Recording 01] Oral history interview with Linda Rae Besant, by Emma Bagley and Emily Kahnert [Sound Recording 02]
Results 1 to 28 of 114 Show all

Identity elements

Reference code

Mss 2988-SR

Name and location of repository

Level of description



Gay and Lesbian Archives of the Pacific Northwest Oral Histories


  • 2000 - 2013 (Creation)


Content and structure elements

Scope and content

The Gay and Lesbian Archives of the Pacific Northwest (GLAPN) was established in Portland, Oregon, by Tom Cook in the early 1990s. Since then the organization has collected archival materials and oral histories from organizations and individuals active in lesbian and gay issues in the Portland area and throughout the Pacific Northwest. Many of these oral histories were gathered by Portland State University students, from the late 90s to present.

System of arrangement

Arranged by interview, by SR#.

Conditions of access and use elements

Conditions governing access

Creative Commons - Attribution, Non-Commercial, ShareAlike (BY-NC-SA)

Physical access

Technical access

Conditions governing reproduction

Languages of the material

  • English

Scripts of the material

Language and script notes

Finding aids

Acquisition and appraisal elements

Custodial history

Immediate source of acquisition

Appraisal, destruction and scheduling information


Related materials elements

Existence and location of originals

Existence and location of copies

Related archival materials

MSS 2988-01 Gay and lesbian history collection, 1968-2014, ;
MSS 2988-02 Roger Troen collection, 1970-1979, ;
MSS 2988-03 Campaign for a Hate Free Oregon records, 1989-1993, ;
MSS 2988-04 Gay and Lesbian Organizations Collection, 1972-1996, ;
MSS 2988-05 Dignity collection, 1980-1998, ;
MSS 2988-06 C.C. Slaughters records, circa 1981-2008, ;
MSS 2988-07 Gay and lesbian periodicals collection, 1970-2008, ;
MSS 2988-08 James Anctil papers, circa 1930-1997, ;
MSS 2988-09 Jim Gersbach collection, 1987-1998, ;
MSS 2988-10 Lesbian and Gay Pride collection, 1982-2004, ;
MSS 2988-11 Lesbian and Gay Choruses Collection, 1986-1998, ;
MSS 2988-12 Lesbian Community Project records, 1976-2008, ;
MSS 2988-13 Marie D. Equi collection, 1918-1983, ;
MSS 2988-14 Gay and Lesbian Legal collection, 1912-1928, ;
MSS 2988-15 Shepherd family papers, 1931-2002, ;
MSS 2988-16 John Terrill papers, 1980-2009, ;
MSS 2988-17 Christine Tanner papers, 1981-2000 (bulk 1992-1999), ;
MSS 2988-18 Charles F. Hinkle Collection, 1966-2009, ;
MSS 2988-19 Jeanine Wittcke Papers, 1988-2002, ;
MSS 2988-20 Special Righteousness Committee collection, 1980-2002, ;
MSS 2988-21 Libby Durbin papers, circa 1975-2012 (bulk 1975-1977), ;
MSS 2988-22 Margaret O'Hartigan papers, 1988-1999, ;
MSS 2988-23 Queer Nation (Portland, Or.) collection, 1989-1993, ;
MSS 2988-24 Gary Smith collection, 1992-1997, ;
MSS 2988-25 PFLAG Portland Chapter papers, 1976-2009, ;
MSS 2988-26 Mary Beth Brindley papers, 1999-2008, ;

Related descriptions

Notes element

Specialized notes

Alternative identifier(s)

Description control element

Rules or conventions

Sources used

Access points

Place access points

Name access points

Genre access points

Accession area

Related people and organizations

Related genres

Related places